Want To Know The Reason Behind Keyboard’s ‘F’ And ‘J’ Keys Have Raised Ridges! Here’s An Explanation.

Have you ever looked at your keyboard and wondered why the ‘F’ and ‘J’ keys have bumps on them? Sometimes, the same is seen in the case of ‘5’ number key too. It isn’t a production defect, nor is it for any health benefits.

The raised bumps on the ‘F’ and ‘J’ keys are placed there for proper position of fingers while typing. It also helps to blind people to access the whole keyboard.

The bumps or nipples found on the F and J keys on the keyboard help users correctly position their left and right hand on the keyboard without having to look at the keyboard. For example, without looking at your keyboard, you should be able to feel the keyboard and correctly position your left index finger on the F and the right index finger on the J.

Positioning your left index finger on the ‘F’ key and your right index finger on the ‘J’ key leaves the other three fingers of your left hand to rest on the ‘D,’ ‘S,’ and ‘A’ keys while the remaining fingers of your right hand rest on the ‘K,’ ‘L,’ and ‘:/;’ (colon) keys. The thumbs of both hands should ideally rest on the space bar.

These improvements came to keyboards as a result of a patent filed by June E. Botich in 2002 and all keyboards manufactured after that contain the ridges.

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