Why New Hard Drive Doesn't Show the Right Storage Capacity In Computer / Laptop / Smartphone?

Have you ever wondered why computers always show lower storage capacity of your hard drive or memory card than its original capacity? Yes, it happens not because you got a defective card. 

For example, let us take a 8 GB pen drive and after plugging it to your computer, you can see that only 7.46 GB space is available. Then where is the rest of 0.54 GB?

A simple mathematics logic is involved in this. Computers work using number 2 as the base. According to this the memory management will be:

1 KiloByte (KB) = 1024 Bytes

1 Mega Byte (MB) = 1024 Kilo Bytes (KB)

1 Giga Byte (GB) = 1024 Mega Bytes (MB)

8 GB = 1024 * 8 = 8192 MB

But pen drive and hard disks manufacturers consider it as base 10. i.e

1 KiloByte (KB) = 1000 Bytes

1 Mega Byte (MB) = 1000 Kilo Bytes (KB)

and the rest of the memory is reserved for data sector and system files for better performance.

Manufacturers mention this on the box of hard disks and pen drives. 

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